The reason you should trust Seattle Laptop is simple. Our main goal is to find the best way to help our customers get the most value from our service. Whether it is fixing their older or newer machine, or finding them a new one, every customer has different needs. We don't try to sell anyone anything when it doesn't make sense. Some laptops are too old to fix for a price that makes sense. We look at every situation and help our customers find the best solution for them. We don't just try to "sell them something" as they experience in other places. When you truly try to help people, even if it means telling them not to use our services, because the cost of repair doesn't make sense it comes back to you/us. We are our customer's advocate, and have always offered free consulting. We help them find the best solution for them, and this is why we have been open, and profitable for over 20 years.
Daniel Wagoner
Seattle Laptop Inc.